Rock Crawling

We went and watched a Rock Crawling competition at Jellico, TN. It was hosted by EROCC. Jellico is on I-75 near the Kentucky/Tennessee state lines. The object is to drive over a series of set courses, staying within the course, not stopping, not backing up, and not winching. You get points for each of those, and low score wins. Each team has a driver and spotter, and the spotter can pull on a rope to help the truck along. The cones mark the course, and the guys in the orange vests are judges.

These events are more popular out west, but are gaining popularity in the east. This is about the third year they had it here. Jellico is about 2 1/2 hours from Kingsport. But, because my alternator failed just as we got there, I made they return trip without AC. I am actually surprised I made it about 200 miles on battery power alone!

Here are the photos, with a few comments. These pictures do not do these vehicles justice - they were covering ground you could barely walk up! 

To make the download times more tolerable, there are two pages.

Second Page

The start of one of the courses - this one is close to tipping over. The "spotter" has a rope on the truck, trying to keep it from tipping.

The spotter is on a drop off, and they have to make it around that big rock on the left, without falling off.

This is a pure tube frame buggy, V-8 engine, dual stick transfer cases, and cutting brakes. He did very well.

Most competitors flipped here. There is a cone between them and the rock the judge is standing on, and the dirt is about 45 degrees. This is the only vehicle we saw make this turn without turning over.

Notice the axles - portal axles, like used on Mercedes Unimogs, Pinzgauers, and some other machines. He just walked through this rock pile.

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